Why are QA Testers Important for Your Software Development Project?

Rlogical Techsoft
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2024


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Software development and deployment have been on a fast pace and emerging innovative outlook among online businesses. Websites, applications, and mobile apps are the common software types built by multiple industrial entrepreneurs. However, many businesses neglect to follow all stages of development i.e., Testing.

Quality Assurance (QA) Testing is the complicated but most significant process. It increases the compatibility and reliability of the software. In this article, you will learn everything about QA testers and some strong reasons that show their importance for your project.

What are QA Testers?

The QA testers are the responsible person for checking the quality of and assurance of the software. Testers authenticate whether the development cycle has been processed as per the predefined plan. Moreover, QA testers verify the software built by developers for customers before the final release of the software.

Well, testers are recognized as the interpreters of developers’ programming languages to layman’s understandability. The testers perform in-depth testing and evaluation of the software and list out the necessary changes. These changes need to be rectified or improved by developers. Once done the tester rechecks and approves it accordingly. Only after the tester’s green signal, the software can be taken to the deployment stage.

Responsibilities of QA Testers

  • Planning and strategizing the testing methods for different components of the software
  • Defining the objectives by undertaking the testing requirements of software
  • Knowledge and operating different testing types
  • Regular communication with developers about the development cycle
  • Analysis of software requirements and functionality to oversee the performance
  • Utilizing various tools and technologies to detect bugs or any errors
  • Compliance with the industry-specific needs for the software and suggest the latest features
  • Processing software updates to enhance the efficiency
  • QA automation to streamline the development stages and smoothly deliver the software

Now, let’s jump into the list of technologies or tools that QA testers use.

Technologies used by QA Testers

There are various types of testing tools available for different purposes. To simplify them, below are the categories of different testing along with the technologies’ names.

Performance Testing:

The performance testing tools are used to ascertain the performance of software in various conditions and devices. It is most impactful to optimize the real-time user interaction after the launch. Tools used are;

  • Apache JMeter
  • Load Ninja
  • Neo Load
  • Gatling

CI/CD Tools:

The Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools assist in automating the testing deployment steps. Usually, QA testers utilize the following CI/CD tools;

  • Jenkins
  • GitLab
  • CircleCI

Test Automation Frameworks:

Test automation frameworks are automated testing methods that permit testers to manage repetitive test cases swiftly. It prevents manual efforts and consistently handles test automation. Some of the frameworks used for test automation are;

  • Selenium
  • Cucumber
  • Appium
  • Cypress

API Testing:

API testing involves the analysis of the application’s performance, security, and scalability testing aspects. It undertakes the functionality of the application and enhances the programming process. You can either conduct direct API testing or fulfill it via integration testing. Following tools furnishing your API testing requirements.

  • Rest Assured
  • Postman
  • Soap UI
  • Test Sigma

Load Testing:

Lastly, load testing is required to define the capability of the software while various users access it simultaneously. Moreover, it ascertains whether the software can manage the load of multiple users. To check that you need to employ the following tech solutions.

  • Neo Load
  • Web LOAD
  • Loadstar
  • Blaze Meter

So, the above information has elaborated that the testing stage is not at all a cakewalk task. Moreover, the reasons emphasizing the needs of QA testers will clear your doubts about hiring a QA testing team for your project.

Reasons why QA Testers are important for the development process

The QA testers are an integral part of the software development team. Many businesses have a misconception that QA testers are an option. But it is a compulsion to verify your software, otherwise, the efforts of the developer go to ruin. Have a sneak peek into the reasons to hire QA testers.

  • Guarantees the software quality

The Quality Assurance (QA) Tester conducts comprehensive testing to check the quality and durability of the software. It needs to pass through various levels of quality testing. So, it gives complete evasion of the potency of the software.

  • Mitigate the risks and errors

Fixing bugs, troubleshooting errors and other risk prevention measures are the major jobs of QA testers. In simple terms, the proofreading and elimination of mistakes in the development process. No matter how feature-rich application developers have built, without proper testing it may fail. So, Q testing assists in boosting the robustness and leads to scalable software.

Also Read: Strategies to Reduce Development Costs of Your Business

  • Enhance the performance

As mentioned above the performance testing of the software is the major aspect for end users. The developers create performance-driven solutions, but the tester analyzes the performance factors like page loading speed, image quality, etc. It assists in solving any performance issue well in advance and makes it more user-friendly.

  • Cost-effective with early detection

Well, the QA testers are proven to be cost-effective in the long run. As the testers detect the errors before the launch, it makes your project delivery accurate after the rectifications. Hence, testers make deployment seamless and less time-consuming.

Is QA Testing necessary only for existing software?

Of course, whether you are in the development stage of software or have already launched the software, testing is essential. At regular intervals, the software needs to verify and upgrade the software competency. Because new features and trends are emerging now and then. Therefore, the testers evaluate it and recommend modifications accordingly.

Wrapping up

Now, you have covered the requirement of testing for your software. You can hire a dedicated team to build your project. It will have developers, designers, analysts, project managers, and testers. Heaven, it will have all-inclusive resources for your software. Onboard our experienced development team and get your project at affordable prices. Connect today!



Rlogical Techsoft

Web & Mobile App Development Company. Expertise in Mobile App, PHP, ASP .NET, MVC 5 (Razor), MongoDB, NodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, Windows App, POS, Scraping.