What is a stateless and stateful widget in a Flutter?

Rlogical Techsoft
1 min readApr 20, 2021


Let’s know here about stateless and stateful widget in a Flutter.

A widget is either stateful or stateless. If a widget can change — when a user interacts with it, for example — it’s stateful.

A stateless widget never changes. Icon, IconButton, and Text are examples of stateless widgets. Stateless widgets subclass StatelessWidget.

A stateful widget is dynamic: for example, it can change its appearance in response to events triggered by user interactions or when it receives data. Checkbox, Radio, Slider, InkWell, Form, and TextField are examples of stateful widgets. Stateful widgets subclass StatefulWidget.

A widget’s state is stored in a State object, separating the widget’s state from its appearance. The state consists of values that can change, like a slider’s current value or whether a checkbox is checked. When the widget’s state changes, the state object calls setState(), telling the framework to redraw the widget.

Difference Between stateless and stateful widget in a flutter

source: stackoverflow

Learn more here:https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/interactive



Rlogical Techsoft
Rlogical Techsoft

Written by Rlogical Techsoft

Web & Mobile App Development Company. Expertise in Mobile App, PHP, ASP .NET, MVC 5 (Razor), MongoDB, NodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, Windows App, POS, Scraping.

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