SOMO JAPAN | Buy Used Japanese Cars From Stock | Web Application | Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd
SOMO was established by veterans of the used car industry at the beginning of 2013. The goal of our company has always been to help our valued customers get high quality used vehicles at the best price possible.With the great dedication and involvement we designed and deliver the application to client with happy faces. At the end client was really satisfied with the outcomes and he accepted that his investment was worth for this.
It took almost 5 years to build this product and client is really very happy with the output and current product. On a daily basis application is maintaining approx 2000 concurrent users load without any trouble. Now client is looking for the mobile apps after the success of this product. And also planning to have some coolest features in the webapp too.
Reach out to us for your next .Net based application to reduce your cost and timeline to achieve a great quality and crouched timeline..
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#rlogicaltechsoft #webapp #aspdotnetdevelopment #webapplication